
Cleaning rivers from plastic pollution with bubbles

Our Bubble Barrier catches plastic over the fu­ll width and depth of rivers and prevents plastic from ending up in the ocean. The system does not interfere with regular river activities and is operational 24/7.

Cleaning rivers from plastic pollution with bubbles

Our Bubble Barrier catches plastic over the fu­ll width and depth of rivers and prevents plastic from ending up in the ocean. The system does not interfere with regular river activities and is operational 24/7.





A smart solution to plastic pollution

Bubble Barriers capture plastic in waterways with bubbles. We create a bubble curtain by pumping air through a perforated tube on the bottom of the waterway. The bubble curtain creates an upward current which directs the plastics to the surface. By placing the Bubble Barrier diagonally in the river, the natural flow will push the plastic waste to the side and into the catchment system.

Want to fight plastic pollution with us?
Send us an inquiry with your location in mind

Are you ready to take action?
Send an inquiry and we will get in touch with you

Take action

Help us clean your river

To tackle plastic pollution effectively, we need your help. Because the problem is transboundary by nature it makes it hard to assign ownership.

That’s why we need everyone to take action now. Find out how you can take action so that we can create impact at your location.

Our mission

The Great Bubble Barrier is on a mission to remove plastic pollution from rivers and canals and prevent plastic from reaching the ocean. 

We take action by:

  • removing plastic pollution from waterways with Bubble Barriers.
  • monitoring the amount of plastic in waterways to support policy and measures.
  • ensuring sustainable processing of our Bubble Barrier.
  • increasing awareness about plastic pollution.



Find out how you can help to achieve this goal:


Want to partner up with The Great Bubble Barrier and support our mission? Find out about the possibilities.


Have a location in mind for a Bubble Barrier? Or do you want to find out whether your location is suitable for a Bubble Barrier? Initiate a Bubble Barrier.


Do you want to support our mission? Our sponsors and funders are crucial for accelerating the placement of Bubble Barriers worldwide. Get in touch!

our impact

Effectively removing plastic from waterways


catch rate based on pilot data

size of pieces caught by Bubble Barriers


All types and shapes



1 Styrofoam
2 Cigarette butts
3 Candy wrappers
4 Fragment of plastics – Small
5 Straws and cutleries
6 Fragment of plastics – Medium
7 Plastic cups
8 Balloons

9 Garlands/flags
10 Plastic bottles
11 Plastic bags
12 Scooter helmet
13 Football ball
14 Chair
15 Windsurf board
16 Christmas tree

All types and shapes

 1 Styrofoam
2 Cigarette butts
3 Candy wrappers
4 Fragment of plastics S
5 Straws and cutleries
6 Fragment of plastics M
7 Plastic cups
8 Balloons
9 Garlands/flags
10 Plastic bottles
11 Plastic bags
12 Scooter helmet
13 Football ball
14 Chair
15 Windsurf board
16 Christmas tree

Bubble Barrier benefits

The latest news

MAY 2024

New Bubble Barrier
in Harlingen

Bubble Barrier Harlingen captures plastic pollution to protect the UNESCO-protected Wadden Sea.





Sustainable Development Goals

At The Great Bubble Barrier we aim to contribute to a more sustainable future. SDGs that can be linked to our cause are: